Fabricación de instrumentos y aparatos de medida, verificación y navegación

sin logotipo

El Far d'Empordà - Alto Ampurdán (Girona - Cataluña)


Fabricación de instrumentos y aparatos de medida, verificación y navegación; fabricación de relojes

Productos y servicios

Especializada en el diseño, desarrollo, fabricación y comercialización de básculas industriales, nuestra empresa dispone de una completa gama de productos, la cual abarca desde básculas puente, plataformas y pesaje móvil hasta indicadores y células...

Fabricación de instrumentos y aparatos de medida, verificación y navegación

Fabricación de instrumentos y aparatos de medida, verificación y navegación

Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation

The company is engaged in engineering activities in the sphere of architecture, engineering and technical projecting in industry and building. It was incorporated in 1994 of September and it has its registered head office in Russian Federation which is specifically based in Moscow. The company is an industrial service provider that caters wide experience within the area of industrial weighing. It is specialized in the design, development, building and manufacturing of industrial scales; and offers a wide range of products which go from weighing scales, platforms and mobile weighing to indicators and load cells. As part of its core business line, the company also commercialize with all the set( buscar "GAMA") of products which refer to small weighing such as scales, platform, indicators and precision "pesas"; and offering personalized solutions to every type of problems. It also performs services such as, technical service repairmen; maintenance contracts with the objective of: keep the features of the acquired set, mmaintainthe metrological characteristics, and enlarge the life of the acquired set; and repairing services of its products in any county.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 69127 - VILAMALLA (Girona)

Tlf: +34 972527212
Fax: +34 972527211
